Issue Highlights: June/July 2020


Below is a snapshot of some of the topics and interests you can expect to see in the pages of the June/July 2020 issue of COINage. Plus, we’ve included some sample pages for you to enjoy.

Coronavirus Effects on Coin Collecting and Investing: Impact Felt Throughout the Hobby and Industry. By Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

Feast or Famine: U.S. Coinage History Encompasses the Great Depression and Great Prosperity. By R.W. Julian

A New Case for $10,000 Gold: COVID-19 Pandemic Adversely Impacts Gold Mining. By Steve Voynick

The Milestone Coin Auction With A Magical Immunity: Millions of Dollars in Rarities Were Hammered Down During a Global Pandemic. By Greg Reynolds

Tapping Into Virtual Experiences: Numismatic Organizations Deliver.

Plus, you’ll find regular market reports, recent news from the numismatic community, a price guide with current pricing, and new columns.

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